DAG 55
Ariplak SP

Visual Aspect:

  • Neutral


  • 6 High performance coating / argon 16 / 4


  • Visible Light
    • Light Transmission (τv): 56%
    • Light Reflection Outwards (ρve): 13%
    • Light Reflection Inwards (ρvi): 17%
    • Colour Rendering Index (Ra ): 95,5
  • Solar Energy
    • Direct Energy Transmission (τe ): 31%
    • Energy Reflection (ρe): 35%
    • Energy Absorption (αe): 34%
    • Shading Coefficient (SC): 38%
    • Solar Factor (g): 33%
  • Thermal Properties
    • U-Value (W/m2K)=1,1


  • 6 High performance coating / argon 16 / 4 / argon 16 / 4 Super-E


  • Visible Light
    • Light Transmission (τv): 49%
    • Light Reflection Outwards (ρve): 15%
    • Light Reflection Inwards (ρvi): 17%
    • Colour Rendering Index (Ra ): 91,8
  • Solar Energy
    • Direct Energy Transmission (τe ): 25%
    • Energy Reflection (ρe): 36%
    • Energy Absorption (αe): 39%
    • Shading Coefficient (SC): 34%
    • Solar Factor (g): 30%
  • Thermal Properties
    • U-Value (W/m2K)=0,6

Other features

  • It is recommended the coating on surface #2 or on surface # 3 in double insulating glass or on surface # 2 and on surface # 5 in triple insulating glass
  • Edge deletion is required
  • Glass coating can be applied on:
    • Laminated, tempered and Heat Strength Glass, decorated / Silk screen printed.
    • Glass coating can be applied on low-iron, mid-iron or coloured glass.
  • Combination with screen printing improves solar control performance and provides differentiated design. Silk-screen ceramic frit can be on Surface # 1 or surface #2
  • The exclusivity and Ad Hoc designs of Ariño Duglass allow apply the coating over the silk-screen ceramic frit improving the performances

The information corresponds to nominal data and are subject to commercial tolerances. Features may vary in particular applications. ARIÑO DUGLASS S.A. reserves the right to revise its product specifications and standards without notice. The transmission, reflection and absorption values ​​are based on spectrophotometric measurements and on the energy distribution coefficients of solar radiation, according to the UNE-EN 410: 2011 standard. The thermal transmission coefficient, U-Value, has been calculated according to the UNE-EN 673: 2011 standard. For more information and exact technical data or information for a specific project, contact our technical consultants: tecnico@duglass.com


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